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I had the opportunity to supervise the students below, and am thankful to all of them for their involvement.

It is always a great experience to share research ideas and to learn to work together.

PhD Thesis

Marina Paldauf: Decentralised Solutions for Preserving Privacy in Group Recommender Systems (Oct. 2022 - ongoing)

Niki Hrovatin: Decentralized privacy-preserving data analysis on the edge (Oct. 2020 - Dec. 2023)

Hela Taktak: Approche orientée services sémantiques pour l'intégration de données massives et multi-sources pour la détection des catastrophes naturelles (Oct. 2017 - Jan. 2024)

Sidra Aslam: Decentralized Data Privacy and Security for the Web of Things (Nov. 2019 - Jun. 2022)

Nawel Sekkal: Towards Smart Web Services Framework (Sept. 2016 - Sept. 2020)

Lara Kallab: Composition automatique de Web services pour une meilleure gestion du bâtiment intelligent (Sept. 2016 - Dec. 2019)

Mahdi Bennara: Linked Service Integration on the Semantic Web (Sept. 2014 - July 2019)

Mehdi Terdjimi: Multi-level context adaptation in the Web of Things (Oct. 2014 - Dec. 2017)

Pierre De Vettor: Conception of a Service Oriented Architecture for Integration and Exploitation of Linked Data on the Web (May 2013 - Sept. 2016)

Salah-Eddine Tbahriti: A Service-Oriented Approach for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing (Sept. 2009 - Dec. 2012)

Master 2 Thesis

Nans Turbet : Designing blockchain-based avatar communities (2018)

Antoine Richard : Self-Adaptive Software in Smart Environment using Multi-Agents based Learning (2015)

Ahmad Khalil : Optimizing avatars life-cycle in a Cloud infrastructure (2015)

Mohamed Ayache: Étude et implantation d’un modèle de reconnaissance d’intention dans le contexte du Web of Things (2014)

Pierre De Vettor: Context Mediation as a Linked Service (2012)

Amin Mesmoudi: Combining Configuration and Query Rewriting for Web Service Composition (2011)

Master 1 Projects

ASAWoO project : Rémi Desmargez, Guillaume Charmettant, Agathe Grünberg, Christophe Vautrain, Hugo Rossetti, Hady Diallo, Alexandre Bouklhif, Thomas Gondard-Mary, Guillaume Chachuat

supervision.txt · Last modified: 2024/01/22 13:55 by mmrissa