
Book chapters
Journal publications
Refereed conference publications
Short notes and data articles
Research reports


  • M. Milanič, B. Servatius, H. Servatius, Discrete Mathematics With Logic, Academic Press, 2024.

  • Book chapters

  • M. Milanič. Strong cliques and stable sets, in: Topics in Algorithmic Graph Theory, Edited by L. W. Beineke, M. C. Golumbic, R. J. Wilson, Cambridge University Press, May 2021, pp. 207-227.

  • M. Milanič, J. Monnot. The complexity of the exact weighted independent set problem, in: Combinatorial Optimization and Theoretical Computer Science: Interfaces and Perspectives, 30th Anniversary of the LAMSADE. Edited by Vangelis Th. Paschos, Wiley-ISTE, January 2008.
    A related unpublished manuscript

  • Preprints

  • M. Chudnovsky, J. Codsi, D. Lokshtanov, M. Milanič, V. Sivashankar, Tree independence number V. Walls and claws.

  • J. Gravner, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, J.-F. Raymond, Young domination on Hamming rectangles.

  • C. Hilaire, M. Milanič, N. Trotignon, Dj. Vasić, Treewidth versus clique number: induced minors.

  • M. Milanič, N. Pivač. A tame vs. feral dichotomy for graph classes excluding an induced minor or induced topological minor.

  • E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, D. Tikhanovsky, Y. Uno. On Minimal Transversals of Maximal Cliques in Graphs.

  • C. Dallard, M. Krnc, O-j. Kwon, M. Milanič, A. Munaro, K. Štorgel, S. Wiederrecht. Treewidth versus clique number. IV. Tree-independence number of graphs excluding an induced star.

  • N. Chiarelli, C. Dallard, A. Darmann, S. Lendl, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, U. Pferschy. Allocation of Indivisible Items with a Common Preference Graph: Minimizing Total Dissatisfaction.

  • N. Chiarelli, C. Dallard, A. Darmann, S. Lendl, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, U. Pferschy. Minimizing Maximum Dissatisfaction in the Allocation of Indivisible Items under a Common Preference Graph.

  • C. Dallard, B. Fernández, G. Y. Katona, M. Milanič, K.Varga. On minimally tough chordal graphs.

  • V. Gurvich, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, M. Vyalyi. Avoidability beyond paths.

  • E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, J. Vičič. On the degree sequences of dual graphs on surfaces.

  • L. Alcón, M. Gutierrez, M. Milanič. A characterization of claw-free CIS graphs and new results on the order of CIS graphs.

  • Journal publications
    1. T. Abrishami, M. Briański, J. Czyżewska, R. McCarty, M. Milanič, P. Rzążewski, B. Walczak. Excluding a clique or a biclique in graphs of bounded induced matching treewidth, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, accepted. preprint

    2. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, Y. Uno. Conformal Hypergraphs: Duality and Implications for the Upper Clique Transversal Problem, Journal of Graph Theory, accepted. preprint

    3. M. Ahanjideh, M. Milanič, M. Servatius. On balanceable and simply balanceable regular graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 124 (2025) 104045. preprint

    4. C. Dallard, M. Milanič, K. Štorgel. Treewidth versus clique number. III. Tree-independence number of graphs with a forbidden structure, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 167 (2024) 338-391. preprint

    5. C. Dallard, R. Ganian, M. Hatzel, M. Krnc, M. Milanič. Graphs with at most two moplexes, Journal of Graph Theory 107 (2024) 38-69. preprint

    6. M. Milanič, I. Penev, N. Pivač, K. Vušković. Bisimplicial separators, Journal of Graph Theory 106 (2024) 816-842. preprint

    7. C. Dallard, V. Lozin, M. Milanič, K. Štorgel, V. Zamaraev. Functionality of box intersection graphs, Results in Mathematics 79 (2024) 48. preprint

    8. C. Dallard, M. Milanič, K. Štorgel. Treewidth versus clique number. II. Tree-independence number, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B, 164 (2024) 404-442. preprint

    9. M. Milanič, N. Pivač. Computing well-covered vector spaces of graphs using modular decomposition, Computational and Applied Mathematics 42 (2023) 360. preprint

    10. N. Chiarelli, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, U. Pferschy, J. Schauer. Fair allocation algorithms for indivisible items under structured conflict constraints, Computational and Applied Mathematics 42 (2023) 302. preprint

    11. N. Chiarelli, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, U. Pferschy, N. Pivač, J. Schauer. Fair allocation of indivisible items with conflict graphs, Algorithmica 85 (2023) 1459-1489. preprint

    12. N. Chiarelli, C. Dallard, A. Darmann, S. Lendl, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, U. Pferschy, N. Pivač. Allocation of Indivisible Items with Individual Preference Graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 334 (2023) 45-62. preprint

    13. V. Gurvich, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, M. Vyalyi. Shifting paths to avoidable ones, Journal of Graph Theory 100 (2022) 69-83. preprint

    14. J. Beisegel, M. Chudnovsky, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, M. Servatius. Avoidable vertices and edges in graphs: Existence, characterization, and applications. Discrete Applied Mathematics 309 (2022) 285-300. preprint

    15. E. J. Kim, J. Monnot, M. Milanič, C. Picouleau. Complexity and algorithms for constant diameter augmentation problems, Theoretical Computer Science 904 (2022) 15-26. (Part of special issue Combinatorial Optimization and Related Topics - In Memory of Jérôme Monnot.) preprint

    16. C. Dallard, M. Milanič, K. Štorgel. Treewidth versus clique number. I. Graph classes with a forbidden structure, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 35 (2021) 2618-2646. preprint

    17. R. Darda, M. Milanič, M. A. Pizaña. Searching for square-complementary graphs: complexity of recognition and further non-existence results, Discrete Mathematics 344 (2021) 112369. preprint

    18. M. Milanič, N. Pivač. Polynomially bounding the number of minimal separators in graphs: reductions, sufficient conditions, and a dichotomy theorem, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 28 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 1.41, 27 pp. preprint

    19. N. Chiarelli, B. Martínez-Barona, M. Milanič, J. Monnot, P. Muršič. Strong cliques in diamond-free graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 858 (2021) 49-63.
      (Part of special issue Combinatorial Optimization and Related Topics - In Memory of Jérôme Monnot.) preprint

    20. T. Ekim, D. Gözüpek, A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič. Mind the independence gap, Discrete Mathematics 343 (2020) 111943. preprint

    21. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič. Characterizing and decomposing classes of threshold, split, and bipartite graphs via 1-Sperner hypergraphs, Journal of Graph Theory 94 (2020) 364-397. preprint

    22. R. Chikhi, V. Jovičić, S. Kratsch, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič, S. Raskhodnikova, N. Varma. Bipartite graphs of small readability, Theoretical Computer Science 806 (2020) 402-415. preprint

    23. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič. Decomposing 1-Sperner hypergraphs, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 26 (2019), #P3.18.

    24. N. Chiarelli, T. R. Hartinger, V. A. Leoni, M. I. Lopez Pujato, M. Milanič. New algorithms for weighted k-domination and total k-domination problems in proper interval graphs, Theoretical Computer Science 795 (2019) 128-141.

    25. A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič, B. Ries. Detecting strong cliques. Discrete Mathematics 342 (2019) 2738-2750.

    26. L. Martínez, M. Milanič, I. Malaina, C. Álvarez, M.-B. Pérez, I. M. de la Fuente. Weighted lambda superstrings applied to vaccine design, PLOS ONE 14(2): e0211714, 2019.

    27. N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. Linear separation of connected dominating sets in graphs. Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 16 (2019) 487-525.

    28. A. Brandstädt, M. Milanič. A dichotomy for weighted efficient dominating sets with bounded degree vertices, Information Processing Letters 142 (2019) 30-34.

    29. E. Husić, X. Li, A. Hujdurović, M. Mehine, R. Rizzi, V. Mäkinen, M. Milanič, A. I. Tomescu. MIPUP: Minimum perfect unmixed phylogenies for multi-sampled tumors via branchings and ILP, Bioinformatics 35 (2019) 769-777.

    30. T. Ekim, D. Gözüpek, A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič. On almost well-covered graphs of girth at least 6. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 20:2 (2018) #17.

    31. A. Brandstädt, V. Giakoumakis, M. Milanič. Weighted efficient domination for some classes of H-Free and of (H1,H2)-free graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 250 (2018) 130-144.

    32. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, V. Oudalov, J. Vičič. A three-person deterministic graphical game without Nash equilibria, Discrete Applied Mathematics 243 (2018) 21-38. preprint

    33. A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič, B. Ries. Graphs vertex-partitionable into strong cliques, Discrete Mathematics 341 (2018) 1392-1405. preprint

    34. A. Hujdurović, E. Husić, M. Milanič, R. Rizzi, A. I. Tomescu. Perfect phylogenies via branchings in acyclic digraphs and a generalization of Dilworth's theorem, ACM Transactions on Algorithms 14 (2018) Art. 20, 26 pp. preprint

    35. B. Brešar, T. R. Hartinger, T. Kos, M. Milanič. 1-perfectly orientable K4-minor-free and outerplanar graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 248 (2018) 33-45. preprint

    36. N. Chiarelli, T. R. Hartinger, M. Johnson, M. Milanič, D. Paulusma. Minimum connected transversals in graphs: new hardness results and tractable cases using the price of connectivity. Theoretical Computer Science 705 (2018) 75-83. preprint

    37. F. Bonomo, B. Brešar, L. N. Grippo, M. Milanič, M. D. Safe. Domination parameters with number 2: interrelations and algorithmic consequences. Discrete Applied Mathematics 235 (2018) 23-50. preprint

    38. M. Milanič, I. Penev, N. Trotignon. Stable sets in {wheel, ISK4}-free graphs. Algorithmica 80 (2018) 415-447. supplement

    39. A. Hujdurović, U. Kačar, M. Milanič, B. Ries, A. I. Tomescu. Complexity and algorithms for finding a perfect phylogeny from mixed tumor samples, IEEE Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 15 (2018) 96-108. preprint.

    40. B. Brešar, T. R. Hartinger, T. Kos, M. Milanič. On total domination in the Cartesian product of graphs. Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory 38 (2018) 963-976. preprint

    41. Z. Deniz, T. Ekim, T. R. Hartinger, M. Milanič, M. Shalom. On two extensions of equimatchable graphs. Discrete Optimization 26 (2017) 112-130. preprint

    42. D. Gözüpek, A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič. Characterizations of minimal dominating sets and the well-dominated property in lexicographic product graphs. Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science 19, vol. 1 (2017).

    43. S. Kratsch, M. Milanič. On the complexity of the identifiable subgraph problem, revisited. Discrete Applied Mathematics 226 (2017) 78-86. preprint

    44. T. R. Hartinger, M. Milanič. Partial characterizations of 1-perfectly orientable graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 85 (2017) 378-394. preprint

    45. T. R. Hartinger, M. Milanič. 1-perfectly orientable graphs and graph products, Discrete Mathematics 340 (2017) 1727-1737. preprint.

    46. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič. On equistable, split, CIS, and related classes of graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 216P1 (2017) 47-66. preprint

    47. M. Milanič, N. Trotignon. Equistarable graphs and counterexamples to three conjectures on equistable graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 84 (2017) 536-551. preprint

    48. T. R. Hartinger, M. Johnson, M. Milanič, D. Paulusma. The price of connectivity for cycle transversals, European Journal of Combinatorics 58 (2016) 203-224.

    49. R. Chikhi, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič, S. Raskhodnikova. On the readability of overlap digraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 205 (2016) 35-44.

    50. L. Alcón, M. Gutierrez, I. Kovács, M. Milanič, R. Rizzi. Strong cliques and equistability of EPT graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics 203 (2016) 13-25.

    51. E. Boros, N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. Equistarable bipartite graphs. Discrete Mathematics 339 (2016) 1960-1969. preprint

    52. F. Bonomo, L. N. Grippo, M. Milanič, M. D. Safe. Graph classes with and without powers of bounded clique-width. Discrete Applied Mathematics 199 (2016) 3-15. preprint

    53. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič, R. Rizzi. On the complexity of the vector connectivity problem. Theoretical Computer Science 591 (2015) 60-71. preprint

    54. N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. On a class of graphs between threshold and total domishold graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 195 (2015) 43-58.

    55. F. Cicalese, G. Cordasco, L. Gargano, M. Milanič, J.G. Peters, U. Vaccaro. Spread of influence in weighted networks under time and budget constraints, Theoretical Computer Science 586 (2015) 40-58.

    56. A. Brandstädt, P. Fičur, A. Leitert, M. Milanič. Polynomial-time algorithms for weighted efficient domination problems in AT-free graphs and dually chordal graphs, Information Processing Letters 115 (2015) 256-262. preprint

    57. T. Dobson, A. Hujdurović, M. Milanič, G. Verret. Vertex-transitive CIS graphs, European Journal of Combinatorics 44 (2015) 87-98.

    58. M. Kamiński, M. Milanič. On the complexity of the identifiable subgraph problem, Discrete Applied Mathematics 182 (2015) 25-33.

    59. L. Martínez, M. Milanič, L. Legarreta, P. Medvedev, I. Malaina, I. M. De la Fuente. A combinatorial approach to the design of vaccines, Journal of Mathematical Biology 70 (2015) 1327-1358.

    60. M. Anholcer, S. Cichacz, M. Milanič. Group irregularity strength of connected graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 30 (2015) 1-17.

    61. N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. Total domishold graphs: a generalization of threshold graphs, with connections to threshold hypergraphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 179 (2014) 1-12.

    62. B. Brešar, T. Gologranc, M. Milanič, D. Rall, R. Rizzi. Dominating sequences in graphs, Discrete Mathematics 336 (2014) 22-36.

    63. E. Boros, P. Heggernes, P. van 't Hof, M. Milanič. Vector connectivity in graphs, Networks 63 (2014) 277-285.

    64. M. Milanič, A. I. Tomescu. Set graphs. IV. Further connections with claw-freeness, Discrete Applied Mathematics 174 (2014) 113-121.

    65. M. Milanič, R. Rizzi, A. I. Tomescu. Set graphs. II. Complexity of set graph recognition and similar problems, Theoretical Computer Science 547 (2014) 70-81.

    66. M. Milanič, O. Schaudt, A. Oversberg. A characterization of line graphs that are squares of graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 173 (2014) 83-91.

    67. M. Milanič, A. S. Pedersen, D. Pellicer, G. Verret. Graphs whose complement and square are isomorphic, Discrete Mathematics 327C (2014) 62-75. preprint (extended version)

    68. F. Cicalese, G. Cordasco, L. Gargano, M. Milanič, U. Vaccaro. Latency-bounded target set selection in social networks, Theoretical Computer Science 535 (2014) 1-15.

    69. E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič. On CIS circulants, Discrete Mathematics 318 (2014) 78-95. preprint

    70. V. Lozin, M. Milanič, C. Purcell. Graphs without large apples and the maximum weight independent set problem, Graphs and Combinatorics 30 (2014) 395-410.

    71. V. E. Levit, M. Milanič. Equistable simplicial, very well-covered, and line graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 165 (2014) 205-212.

    72. M. Milanič, T. Pisanski, A. Žitnik. Dilation coefficient, plane-width, and resolution coefficient of graphs, Monatshefte für Mathematik 170 (2013) 179-193.

    73. M. Milanič. Hereditary efficiently dominatable graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 73 (2013) 400-424.

    74. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. Critical properties of graphs of bounded clique-width, Discrete Mathematics 313 (2013) 1035-1044.

    75. M. Milanič, O. Schaudt. Computing square roots of trivially perfect and threshold graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 1538-1545.

    76. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič, U. Vaccaro. On the approximability and exact algorithms for vector domination and related problems in graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 750-767.

    77. M. Milanič. A note on domination and independence-domination numbers in graphs, Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 6 (2013) 89-97.

    78. E. Fritzilas, M. Milanič, J. Monnot, Y. A. Ríos Solís. Resilience and optimization of identifiable bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 593-603.

    79. M. Milanič, A. I. Tomescu. Set graphs. I. Hereditarily finite sets and extensional acyclic orientations, Discrete Applied Mathematics 161 (2013) 677-690.

    80. D. Stevanović, M. Milanič. Improved inequality between Zagreb indices of trees, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 68 (2012) 147-156.

    81. M. Kamiński, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič. Complexity of independent set reconfigurability problems, Theoretical Computer Science 439 (2012) 9-15.

    82. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič. Graphs of separability at most 2, Discrete Applied Mathematics 160 (2012) 685-696.

    83. M. Kamiński, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič. Shortest paths between shortest paths, Theoretical Computer Science 412 (2011) 5205-5210.

    84. Š. Miklavič, M. Milanič. Equistable graphs, general partition graphs, triangle graphs, and graph products, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 1148-1159.

    85. F. Cicalese, T. Gagie, E. S. Laber, M. Milanič. Competitive Boolean function evaluation: Beyond monotonicity, and the symmetric case, Discrete Applied Mathematics 159 (2011) 1070-1078.

    86. M. Milanič, J. Orlin, G. Rudolf. Complexity results for equistable graphs and related classes, Annals of Operations Research 188 (2011) 359-370.

    87. M. Kamiński, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič. The plane-width of graphs, Journal of Graph Theory 68 (2011) 229-245.

    88. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič. Competitive evaluation of threshold functions in the priced information model, Annals of Operations Research 188 (2011) 111-132.

    89. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. On the maximum independent set problem in subclasses of planar graphs, Journal of Graph Algorithms and Applications 14 (2010) 269-286.

    90. E. Fritzilas, M. Milanič, S. Rahmann, Y. A. Ríos Solís. Structural identifiability in low-rank matrix factorization, Algorithmica 56 (2010) 313-332.

    91. B. Escoffier, M. Milanič, V. Paschos. Simple and fast reoptimizations for the Steiner tree problem, Algorithmic Operations Research 4 (2009) 86-94.

    92. M. Kamiński, V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. Recent developments on graphs of bounded clique-width, Discrete Applied Mathematics 157 (2009) 2747-2761.

    93. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. A polynomial algorithm to find an independent set of maximum weight in a fork-free graph, Journal of Discrete Algorithms 6 (2008) 595-604.

    94. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. On finding augmenting graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics 156 (2008) 2517-2529.
    Refereed conference publications
    1. P. T. Lima, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, K. Okrasa, P. Rzążewski, K. Štorgel. Tree decompositions meet induced matchings: beyond Max Weight Independent Set, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA 2024), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 308, pp. 85:1-85:17, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024). preprint

    2. C. Dallard, M. Dumas, C. Hilaire, M. Milanič, A. Perez, N. Trotignon. Detecting K_{2,3} as an induced minor, Proceedings of the 35th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2024), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14764 (2024) 151-164. preprint

    3. C. Dallard, P. Golovach, F. Fomin, T. Korhonen, M. Milanič. Computing tree decompositions with small independence number, Proceedings of the 51st EATCS International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming (ICALP 2024), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 297, pp. 51:1-51:18, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024). preprint

    4. J. Beisegel, N. Chiarelli, E. Köhler, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, R. Scheffler. The Simultaneous Interval Number: A New Width Parameter that Measures the Similarity to Interval Graphs, Proceedings of the 19th Scandinavian Symposium and Workshops on Algorithm Theory (SWAT 2024). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), Volume 294, pp. 7:1-7:20, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2024) preprint

    5. H. L. Bodlaender, É. Bonnet, L. Jaffke, D. Knop, P. T. Lima, M. Milanič, S. Ordyniak, S. Pandey, O. Suchý. Treewidth is NP-Complete on Cubic Graphs, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation (IPEC 2023), Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs). Volume 285, pp. 7:1-7:13, Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (2023). preprint

    6. M. Milanič, Y. Uno. Upper clique transversals in graphs, Proceedings of the 49th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 14093 (2023) 432-446. preprint

    7. F. Cicalese, C. Dallard, M. Milanič. On constrained intersection representations of graphs and digraphs, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2022), volume 248 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 38:1-38:15, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2022. Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik.

    8. N. Chiarelli, C. Dallard, A. Darmann, S. Lendl, M. Milanič, P. Muršič, N. Pivač, U. Pferschy. Allocating Indivisible Items with Minimum Dissatisfaction on Preference Graphs, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT 2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNAI) 13023 (2021) 243-257.

    9. C. Dallard, M. Krbezlija, M. Milanič. Vertex Cover at Distance on H-free Graphs, Proceedings of the 32nd International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2021), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12757 (2021) 237-251.

    10. C. Dallard, R. Ganian, M. Hatzel, M. Krnc, M. Milanič. Graphs with two moplexes, Proceedings of the XI Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2021), Procedia Computer Science 195 (2021) 248-256. full version preprint

    11. C. Dallard, M. Milanič, K. Štorgel. Treewidth versus clique number in graph classes with a forbidden structure, Proceedings of the 46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12301 (2020) 92-105. preprint

    12. J. Beisegel, N. Chiarelli, E. Köhler, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, N. Pivač, R. Scheffler, M. Strehler. Edge elimination and weighted graph classes Proceedings of the 46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12301 (2020) 134-147.

    13. N. Chiarelli, B. Martínez-Barona, M. Milanič, J. Monnot, P. Muršič. Strong cliques in diamond-free graphs, Proceedings of the 46th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12301 (2020) 261-273. preprint

    14. N. Chiarelli, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, U. Pferschy, N. Pivač, J. Schauer. Fair packing of independent sets, Proceedings of the 31st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2020), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12126 (2020) 154-165. preprint

    15. M. Milanič, N. Pivač, J. Vičič. An ILP formulation for a variant of the university timetabling problem, Middle-European Conference on Applied Theoretical Computer Science: proceedings of the 22nd International Multiconference Information Society - IS 2019, Ljubljana, Slovenia: volume I. Ljubljana: Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2019. p. 55-58. link to proceedings

    16. E. Husić, M. Milanič. A polynomial-time algorithm for the independent set problem in {P10, C4,C6}-free graphs, Proceedings of the 45th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11789 (2019) 271-284.

    17. M. Milanič, N. Pivač. Minimal separators in graph classes defined by small forbidden induced subgraphs, Proceedings of the 45th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11789 (2019) 379-391. full version preprint

    18. J. Beisegel, M. Chudnovsky, V. Gurvich, M. Milanič, M. Servatius. Avoidable vertices and edges in graphs, Proceedings of the 16th Algorithms and Data Structures Symposium (WADS 2019), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11646 (2019) 126-139. full version preprint

    19. L. Alcón, M. Gutierrez, M. Milanič. A characterization of claw-free CIS graphs and new results on the order of CIS graphs, Proceedings of the X Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 2019), Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 346 (2019) 15-27. preprint

    20. R. Chikhi, V. Jovičić, S. Kratsch, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič, S. Raskhodnikova, N. Varma. Bipartite graphs of small readability, Proceedings of the 24th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10976 (2018) 467-479. full version preprint

    21. N. Chiarelli, T. R. Hartinger, V. A. Leoni, M. I. Lopez Pujato, M. Milanič. Improved algorithms for k-domination and total k-domination in proper interval graphs, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Combinatorial Optimization (ISCO 2018), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10856 (2018) 290 302. full version preprint

    22. M. Milanič, P. Muršič, M. Mydlarz. Induced embeddings into Hamming graphs, In: K. G. Larsen, H. L. Bodlaender, and J.-F. Raskin, editors, 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2017), volume 83 of Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs), pages 28:1-28:15, Dagstuhl, Germany, 2017. Schloss Dagstuhl-Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.

    23. A. Hujdurović, E. Husić, M. Milanič, R. Rizzi, A. I. Tomescu. The minimum conflict-free row split problem revisited, Proceedings of the 43rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10520 (2017) 303-315. full version preprint

    24. Z. Deniz, T. Ekim, T. R. Hartinger, M. Milanič, M. Shalom. On three extensions of equimatchable graphs. 14th Cologne-Twente Workshop on Graphs and Combinatorial Optimization (CTW16), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 55 (2016) 177-180.

    25. B. Brešar, T. Kos, T. R. Hartinger, M. Milanič. 1-perfectly orientable K4-minor-free and outerplanar graphs. Discrete Mathematics Days - JMDA16, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 54 (2016) 199-204.

    26. E. J. Kim, M. Milanič, O. Schaudt. Recognizing k-equistable graphs in FPT time, Proceedings of the 41st International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9224 (2016) 487-498.

    27. A. Hujdurović, U. Kačar, M. Milanič, B. Ries, A. I. Tomescu. Finding a perfect phylogeny from mixed tumor samples, Proceedings of the 15th International Workshop on Algorithms in Bioinformatics (WABI 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9289 (2015) 80-92. preprint (with all proofs)

    28. T. R. Hartinger, M. Johnson, M. Milanič, D. Paulusma. The price of connectivity for cycle transversals, Proceedings of the 40th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9235 (2015) 395-406.

    29. R. Chikhi, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič, S. Raskhodnikova. On the readability of overlap digraphs, Proceedings of the 26th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2015), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9133 (2015) 124-137. preprint

    30. F. Cicalese, G. Cordasco, L. Gargano, M. Milanič, J.G. Peters, U. Vaccaro. How to go viral: cheaply and quickly, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference 'FUN with Algorithms' (FUN 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8496 (2014) 100-112.

    31. N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. Linear separation of connected dominating sets in graphs, International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ISAIM 2014), Fort Lauderdale, FL. January 6-8, 2014.

    32. P. Heggernes, P. van 't Hof, M. Milanič. Induced subtrees in interval graphs, Proceedings of the 24th International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8288 (2013) 230-243.

    33. N. Chiarelli, M. Milanič. Linear separation of total dominating sets in graphs, Proceedings of the 39th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8165 (2013) 165-176. full version (preprint)

    34. A. Brandstädt, M. Milanič, R. Nevries. New polynomial cases of the weighted efficient domination problem, Proceedings of the 38th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8087 (2013) 195-206.

    35. F. Cicalese, G. Cordasco, L. Gargano, M. Milanič, U. Vaccaro. Latency-bounded target set selection in social networks, Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE 2013), The Nature of Computation: Logic, Algorithms, Applications, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7921 (2013) 65-77.

    36. E. Boros, P. Heggernes, P. van 't Hof, M. Milanič. Vector connectivity in graphs, Proceedings of the 10th annual conference on Theory and Applications of Models of Computation (TAMC 2013), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7876 (2013) 331-342.

    37. V. E. Levit, M. Milanič, D. Tankus. On the recognition of k-equistable graphs, Proceedings of the 38th International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science (WG 2012), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7551 (2012) 286-296.

    38. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič, U. Vaccaro. Hardness, approximability, and exact algorithms for vector domination and total vector domination in graphs, Proceedings of the 18th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory (FCT 2011), Oslo, Norway, August 22-25, 2011. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6914 (2011) 288-297.

    39. M. Kamiński, P. Medvedev, M. Milanič. Shortest paths between shortest paths and independent sets, Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2010), London, UK, July 26-28, 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6460 (2011) 56-67.

    40. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič. Graphs of separability at most two: structural characterizations and their consequences, Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms (IWOCA 2010), London, UK, July 26-28, 2010. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6460 (2011) 291-302.

    41. F. Cicalese, T. Gagie, A. Macula, M. Milanič, E. Triesch. A better bouncer's algorithm, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference 'FUN with Algorithms' (FUN 2010), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6099 (2010) 113-120.

    42. M. Milanič, J. Monnot. The exact weighted independent set problem in perfect graphs and related graph classes, V Latin-American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium (LAGOS 09), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 35 (2009) 317-322.

    43. M. Kamiński, M. Milanič, P. Medvedev. On the plane-width of graphs, European Conference on Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Applications (EuroComb 2009), Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 34 (2009) 633-637.

    44. F. Cicalese, M. Milanič. Computing with priced information: when the value makes the price, Proceedings of the 19th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC 2008), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5369 (2008) 378-389.

      (Full version with all proofs: Computing with priced information: game trees and the value dependent cost model)

    45. V. E. Alekseev, V. Lozin, D. Malyshev, M. Milanič. The maximum independent set problem in planar graphs, Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5162 (2008) 96-107.

    46. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. Tree-width and optimization in bounded degree graphs, Proceedings of the 33rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4769 (2007) 45-54.

    47. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. Maximum independent sets in graphs of low degree, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (New Orleans, LA, 2007), 874-880, ACM, New York, 2007.

    48. V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. A polynomial algorithm to find an independent set of maximum weight in a fork-free graph, Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (Miami, FL, 2006), 26-30, ACM, New York, 2006.

    Short notes and data articles

  • E. Boros, V. Gurvich, M. Krnc, M. Milanič, J. Vičič. Dataset of Edmonds' bi-vectors and tri-vectors with realizations, Data in Brief 56 (2024) 110785.

  • M. Milanič. An open problem on edge domination in graphs, Indian Journal of Discrete Mathematics 8 (2022) 43-46. link to journal issue

  • Research reports

  • M. Milanič, G. Rudolf. Structural results for equistable graphs and related classes, RUTCOR Research Report 25-2009.

  • F. Cicalese, M. Milanič. On parsimony haplotyping, Technical report 2008-04, Technische Fakultät, Universität Bielefeld, 2008.

  • V. V. Lozin, M. Milanič. Domination in Graphs of Low Degree, RUTCOR Research Report 27-2006

  • Coauthors

    Tara Abrishami, Milad Ahanjideh, Liliana Alcón, Vladimir Alekseev, Carmen Álvarez, Marcin Anholcer, Jesse Beisegel, Hans L. Bodlaender, Flavia Bonomo, Édouard Bonnet, Endre Boros, Andreas Brandstädt, Boštjan Brešar, Marcin Briański, Nina Chiarelli, Rayan Chikhi, Maria Chudnovsky, Ferdinando Cicalese, Sylwia Cichacz, Julien Codsi, Gennaro Cordasco, Jadwiga Czyżewska, Clément Dallard, Ratko Darda, Andreas Darmann, Zakir Deniz, Ted Dobson, Maël Dumas, Tınaz Ekim, Bruno Escoffier, Blas Fernández, Pavel Fičur, Fedor Fomin, Epameinondas Fritzilas, Ildefonso Martinez de la Fuente, Travis Gagie, Robert Ganian, Luisa Gargano, Vassilis Giakoumakis, Tanja Gologranc, Petr Golovach, Luciano N. Grippo, Didem Gözüpek, Janko Gravner, Vladimir Gurvich, Marisa Gutierrez, Tatiana Romina Hartinger, Meike Hatzel, Pinar Heggernes, Claire Hilaire, Pim van 't Hof, Ademir Hujdurović, Edin Husić, Lars Jaffke, Matthew Johnson, Vladan Jovičić, Urša Kačar, Marcin Kamiński, Gyula Y. Katona, EunJung Kim, Dušan Knop, Ekkehard Köhler, Tuukka Korhonen, Tim Kos, István Kovács, Stefan Kratsch, Mirza Krbezlija, O-joung Kwon, Eduardo S. Laber, Leire Legarreta, Stefan Lendl, Arne Leitert, Valeria Alejandra Leoni, Vadim E. Levit, Paloma T. Lima, Daniel Lokshtanov, María Inés Lopez Pujato, Xinyue Li, Vadim V. Lozin, Anthony J. Macula, Veli Mäkinen, Iker Malaina, Dmitriy S. Malyshev, Luis Martínez, Berenice Martínez-Barona, Rose McCarty, Paul Medvedev, Miika Mehine, Štefko Miklavič, Jérôme Monnot, Andrea Munaro, Peter Muršič, Marcelo Mydlarz, Ragnar Nevries, Karolina Okrasa, Sebastian Ordyniak, Jim Orlin, Vladimir Oudalov, Andrea Oversberg, Sukanya Pandey, Vangelis Paschos, Daniel Paulusma, Anders Sune Pedersen, Daniel Pellicer, Irena Penev, Anthony Perez, Martín-Blas Pérez, Joseph G. Peters, Ulrich Pferschy, Christophe Picouleau, Tomaž Pisanski, Nevena Pivač, Miguel A. Pizaña, Christopher Purcell, Sven Rahmann, Doug Rall, Sofya Raskhodnikova, Jean-Florent Raymond, Bernard Ries, Yasmin A. Ríos Solís, Romeo Rizzi, Gábor Rudolf, Paweł Rzążewski, Martin D. Safe, Oliver Schaudt, Joachim Schauer, Robert Scheffler, Brigitte Servatius, Herman Servatius, Mary Servatius, Mordechai Shalom, Varun Sivashankar, Dragan Stevanović, Martin Strehler, Kenny Štorgel, Ondřej Suchý, David Tankus, Dmitry Tikhanovsky, Alexandru I. Tomescu, Eberhard Triesch, Nicolas Trotignon, Yushi Uno, Ugo Vaccaro, Kitti Varga, Nithin Varma, Djordje Vasić, Gabriel Verret, Jernej Vičič, Kristina Vušković, Mikhail Vyalyi, Bartosz Walczak, Sebastian Wiederrecht, Viktor Zamaraev, Arjana Žitnik.

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