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As discussed in the course outline, the textbook for the course will be

  • Topology, by James Munkres, 2nd edition.

Munkres' book is quite standard for a challenging undergraduate-level course in this topic. There are also many other undergraduate-level topology books, however, a few of which I'll name.

The following textbook has many nice examples, which I like a lot. It is out-of-print, but you may be able to find a copy on the internet.

  • An introduction to topology and homotopy, by Allan Sieradski.

Another recent textbook is by Waldmann, and looks fairly readable.

  • Topology: an introduction, by Stefan Waldmann.

The next book I'll mention takes a somewhat different approach, introducing topology through combinatorial examples such as polyhedra and generalizations. If you're interested in these directions, you might like to look through this textbook.

  • Basic topology, by Mark Armstrong.

A couple of other textbooks that come well-recommended, but which I haven't examined closely, are:

  • Topology, by Klaus Jänich. (Allan Hatcher, who should know, says this one is "a pleasure to read".)
  • Essential topology, by Martin Crossley.

Other sources

We will have a lively online discussion in the UP e-classroom system. Asking and answering questions of your peers will be of great benefit to your development.

Wikipedia has a number of articles on mathematical topics. They are mostly well-written and accurate, and many of the articles relevant to the content of Topology should be fairly readable.


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The Slovenia Times has news stories about Slovenia written in English, and can be helpful for keeping track of the (frequently changing) government regulations concerning the epidemic.

The Slovenian COVID-19 exposure-tracking app, while it hasn't been so widely used, may be worth setting up. Available at .