More Information


As discussed in the course outline, we will not require a set text.

Two textbooks that I recommend as good sources, and which should be reasonably easy to follow along in, are:

I am much less enthusiatic about the following textbook, but it has the advantage of being free-to-download:

The following textbook is nicely written and clear, but from a somewhat more advanced perspective. I particularly liked some of the discussion of the construction of number systems in it.

Other sources

We will have a lively online discussion in the UP e-classroom system. Asking and answering questions of your peers will be of great benefit to your development.

Wikipedia has a number of articles on mathematical topics. They are mostly well-written and accurate, but the levels that they are written at vary, and some will be too hard or too simple to be helpful for you.


The university's general covid page is at . Current regulations on the virus are at .

The COVID-19 Sledelnik website has up-to-date information on the epidemic in Slovenia.

The Slovenia Times has news stories about Slovenia written in English, and can be helpful for keeping track of the (frequently changing) government regulations concerning the epidemic.

I suggest that you download and set up the Slovenian COVID-19 exposure-tracking app, available at .