
FinInG is a computer algebra tool for computations related to Finite Incidence Geometry. It is available as a GAP package, and provides users with the basic tools to work in various areas of finite geometry, from the realms of projective spaces to the flat lands of generalised polygons. The algebraic power of GAP is employed, particularly in its facility with matrix and permutation groups.

Authors: John Bamberg, Anton Betten, Philippe Cara, Jan De Beule, Michel Lavrauw, Max Neunhoeffer.


[BBCBLNH23] Bamberg, J., Betten, A., Cara, P., De Beule, J., Lavrauw, M., Neunhoeffer, M. and Horn, M., FinInG, Finite Incidence Geometry, Version 1.5.6 (2023) (Refereed GAP package),

For more info see the FinInG website.