Ce ne sont pas les choses qui troublent les hommes, mais l’opinion qu’ils en ont.
(Those are not things that disturb people, but the opinion they have of them.)

The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
-George Bernard Shaw

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.
-Albert Einstein

It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice.
-Albert Einstein

L'honnêteté ce n'est pas de dire tout ce que l'on pense, mais de penser tout ce que l'on dit.
(Honesty is not about saying everything we think, but about thinking everything we say.)
-Proverbe Africain (African proverb)

Chaque décision est comme un meurtre, et nous marchons sur les cadavres mort-nés de nos moi possibles qui ne seront jamais.
(Each decision is like a murder, and we walk on the stillborn corpses of our possible selves who will never be.)
-René Dubos (Trois fermiers s'en vont au bal, Richard Powers.)