NAME -- logical optimization rules. DESCRIPTION The *query transformation rules* are used for the transformation of query trees into logically equivalent query trees having different syntactical structure and therefore, potentially, a faster method for the evaluation of queries. Module ** deals with the rules for logical level of the query optimization. The logical optimization rules are in Qios specified in a language that follows strictly the syntax and the semantics of the Qios query expressions. The new constructs are added to the language to be able to express transformation rules. Rules A rule is composed of the input pattern and the output pattern. The input and output patterns are connected by means of common variables and common data sources. The links among the variables define the meaning of the rule. The input and output patterns, ie. query expressions, are "terminated" using special operators called *spans*. A span is a virtual operation which can match any operation defined on sets of objects. The rule (i/o) patterns can then be seen, from the perspective of parse trees, as the upper parts of query trees with the abstract leaves. The examples of the logical transformation rules are presented by the currently used rules in Qios which are given at the beginning of the module **. The query transformation rules are from the external form (augumented query expressions) transformed into the representation which is based on the query tree representation of query expressions. The input and output patterns of the rule are represented by the input and output query trees. These are connected by the links relating variables, data sources and parameters of the input and output patterns of rule. Matching Given a query tree and a rule, the matching procedure can be viewed as an attempt to cover the root of query tree with the input rule pattern ie. query tree. It is realized by a procedure that descends in paralel on both query trees and matches the corresponding query nodes. The first part of matching completes successfully if all nodes from the input rule pattern match the input query tree. The second phase of matching is type-checking of the transformed input query expression. The construction of transformed query, ie. the target rule pattern on top of the matched input query tree, is realized together with the successful first phase of matching since the nodes of the input and output patterns (query trees) are linked in spans as well as thru some operations. The output pattern of the rule can serve as the "test" construction on which the type-checking procedure can be executed. The rule matches completely if the type-checking routine completes successfully. The final transformation phase is now easy since the output pattern can be simply duplicated and linked to the input query tree at spans. COMMENTS This module is part of the *qios* programming environment.