NAME ** -- common data structures and procedures. DESCRIPTION Module ** includes the definitions of the common data structures for the representation of Qios operations, error messages and datafile configuration records. Further, module ** implements the mechanisms for error handling and system logging. Operations The operations of Qios are represented in the associative array %op by which the integer numbers are assigned to the keywords representing operations. The keywords are used to symbolically identify the operations in the code. For the purpose of fast implementation, Qios manipulates internally the integer codes of operations. Errors The error messages are represented using the associative array %error with the keywords identifying errors and the corresponding error messages as strings. The state of a module describes the position in which the module is in a given timepoint. The state can be one of the following: *Ok*, *Info*, *Warn*, *Error* and *Fatal*. The state of the particular module is recorded using the variable *$state*. The state of the system is recorded in the module **. (Note: only system wide state is currently used.) The errors are gathered on the stack *@error* to be able to make a precise diagnose of the error possibly from more than one modules. The main function for checking the errors in the system examines only the size of stack *@error*. Logging Two log streams are realized. The standard log stream is used to record system events during normal operation. The debug log stream is used for debugging. Log level of the log record denotes the importance (or severity) of the log record. The log level thresholds (parameters of system) are used to filter the standard and debug log streams: only log records which levels are smaller than or equal to the threshold log level are channeled to the stream. The log level of the log record is controlled by using the appropriate procedure to report the log record. The log level thresholds are specified in the datafile configuration: *loglvl* variable records the level of standard logging and the variable *dbglvl* filters debug log stream. Furthermore, the log streams can be turned off and on using the configuration parameters: *logon* and *debug*. The procedures for reporting the log records can report various types of events: all types of errors, info messages, descriptions, announcements, printing various debug info, etc. The procedures are: *log_sayX*, *log_heyX*, *log_warn*, *log_error*, *log_fatal*, *log_enterX*, *log_exitX* and *log_infoX*. The variable 'X' in the procedure names denotes the reporting log level (0..2) of the log record. COMMENTS This module is part of the *qios* programming environment.