NAME (v0.1) -- algorithms for querying and manipulation of knowledge graph


Module includes implementations of various algoritms for querying and manipulation of knowledge graphs.

Data structures




ok = close_specialize($s1, $pr, $lvl)

Compute transitive closure of input set of classes $s1 by iterative mapping of set elements using property $pr for $lvl levels.

ok = close_generalize($s1, $pr)

Compute transitive closure of input set of classes $s1 by iterative mapping of set elements using property $pr.

ok = close_spec_with($s1,$s2,$sc,$lvl)

Compute transitive closure of input set $s1 using the inverse relationsip of $sc. Only the elements of set $s2 are included in closure. Compute only $lvl levels of transitive closure.

ok = close_gene_with($s1,$s2,$sc,$lvl)

Compute transitive closure of input set $s1 using the relationsip of $sc. Only the elements of set $s2 are included in the closure. Compute only $lvl levels of transitive closure.

ok = gene_top()

Compute the top classes of taxonomy starting at owl:Thing. Include solely wordnet and yago classes and not wikipedia classes.

ok = det_lit_type($li)

Determine the type of given literal $li. Kind can be either one of literal types xsd:string, xsd:nonNegativeInteger, or, undef.

ok = get_types($id, $ps)

Get all types of parameter identifier $id and store them into set $ps.

ok = map_bottom($s1, $pr)

Map set of classes $s1 to bottom set of classes by means of iterative application of property $pr.

ok = map_top($s1, $pr)

Map set of classes $s1 to top set of classes by means of iterative application of predicate $pr.

ok = set_annotate(s,vl)

Set all entries in hash (set) s to vl.

ok = set_union(s1,s2,s3)

Computes the union of s1 and s2 into the set s3.

ok = set_difference(s1,s2,s3)

Computes the difference of sets s1 and s2 into the set s3.

ok = set_intersect(s1,s2,s3)

Computes the intersection of sets s1 and s2 into the set s3.

ok = set_print(s)

Prints the set elements in one line ending with LF.


Iztok Savnik <>; Kiyoshi Nitta <>


Created 03/01/2015.