of Primorska
of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technologies (UP
8, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenia
dragan.marusic [at] upr.si
ID: 120755.
Scholar Profile
Slovenian Research Code: 02887.
ResearcherID: L-1799-2016
Genealogy Tree
Mathematica Contemporanea
Education and Academic Career:
- 2004
Ð present: Professor, University of Primorska
- 1991 Ð 1992: Fulbright Scholar, University of California, Santa Cruz,
- 1988 Ð present: Professor, University of Ljubljana;
- 1985 Ð 1988: Assistant Professor, University of California, Santa Cruz,
- 1984 Ð 1985: Assistant Professor University of Minnesota, Duluth, USA;
- 1983 Ð 1984: Mathematics Teacher, Slovenian High School, Koper;
- 1982 Ð 1983: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Reading,
Reading, England;
- 1981 Ð 1982: Mandatory military service;
- 1981: PhD in mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of
Reading, Reading, England, supervisor Crispin
St. J. A. Nash-Williams.
and Academic Promotions:
- 2014:
Recipient of the award
Advisory Professor
of Beijing Jiaotong
University, Beijing, P.R. China.
- 2011:
Recipient of the award "Priznanje 15.
maj" of
City Koper Community for the
educational and scientific contribution to the development of Koper.
- 2007:
Recipient of the award Gold Medal of UP.
- 2002:
Recipient of Žiga Zois
Award (highest form of
scientific recognition in Slovenia) for scientific
achievements in algebra and graph theory.
- 1994:
Full Professor promotion, University of Ljubljana.
- 1982:
1st Prize in the "Young scientists category" for the
PhD thesis "On vertex symmetric digraphs", Sixth Congress of
Balkan Mathematicians, Pitesti, Romania.
- 1978
Ð 1981: Paul White Studentship in Pure Mathematics, Reading
University, Reading, UK.
- 1973:
3rd Prize in the Students Category, Second Congress of
Balkan Mathematicians, Athens, Greece.
and Management Positions:
- 2011
Ð present: Rector of
the University of Primorska.
- 2007
Ð 2011: Dean of UP FAMNIT.
- 2005
Ð 2006: Coordinator of the process of establishing the Faculty of
Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information
Technologies, University of Primorska
- 1989
Ð 1991: Vice Rector for student affairs, University of Ljubljana.
Scientific Meetings:
- 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Slovenian Int. Conference on Graph
Theory, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, Bled, and 2015,
Kranjska Gora, Slovenia.
- Algebraic Combinatorics
on the Adriatic Coast I, II, III and IV, 2003, 2004, 2008 and
2009, Koper, Slovenia.
- Minisymposium "Hamiltonicity
of Vertex-transitive Graphs" at SIAM Conference on Discrete Math.,
Victoria, BC, Canada, 2006.
- First Korea -
Slovenia Int. Conference On Combinatorial and Computational Math.,
Koper, Slovenia, 2007.
- 2nd, 3rd and 4th SYGN - Symmetries of Graphs
and Networks, 2010, 2012 and 2014, Rogla,
- PhD
Summer School in Discrete Math., 2011,
2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, Rogla,
- Graph
Theory Semester, 2012, Koper,
- 2nd
and 3th Annual Mississippi Discrete Math. Workshop,
2013, 2014, Starkville, USA.
Research Grants Ð Leadership:
- 1999 Ð present: P1-0285
Algebra, discrete mathematics, probability theory and game
theory, Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS).
- 2015 - 2018: N1-0038
Graphs and odd automorphisms, ARRS.
- 2014 Ð 2017:
J1Ð6720 Algebraic graph theory with applications, ARRS.
- 2013 Ð 2016: J1Ð5433
Application of semiregular group
actions in some open problems in algebraic graph theory, ARRS.
- 2011 Ð 2014: J1Ð4021
Algebraic Graph Theory and Applications, ARRS.
- 2009 Ð 2012:
J1Ð2055 About the problem of the
existence of semiregular elements
in 2-closed transitive groups with applications to
vertex-transitive graphs, ARRS.
- 2004 Ð 2007: L5Ð6135
Integration of information technology into models of teaching
and learning, ARRS.
- 1998 Ð 2001: J1Ð0496
Algebraic methods in graph theory and finite geometries, ARRS.
- 1995 Ð 1998:
J1Ð7035 Group action, graphs and finite geometries, ARRS.
- 1994 Ð present: more than 30 bilateral grants
with China, USA, Spain, Australia, S. Korea, Serbia,
Supervision of Graduate Students and Postdoctoral
- 7 PhD students:
- Ademir
Hujdurović (2013), UP;
- Cui Zhang (2011), Technical Univ. Denmark,
& UP;
- Klavdija
Kutnar (2008), UP;
- Primož
Šparl (2007), Univ. Ljubljana & UP;
- Primož
Potočnik (2000), Univ. Ljubljana
- Boris
Zgrablić (2000), Zavarovalnica
Triglav & UP;
- Aleksander
Malnič (1996), Univ. Ljubljana
- 6 Post-doctoral students:
- Adrian O. Waller (1996 Ð 1997);
- Shaofei Du (1996 Ð 1997, Capital Normal
University, China);
- Changqun Wang (1999 Ð 2000, Zhengzhou Univ.,
- Štefko
Miklavič (2004
Ð 2006, UP);
- Istvan Kovacs (2004
Ð 2006, UP);
- Xuesong
Ma (2007 Ð 2008, Peking Univ.,
Abroad and Domestically:
- 2013 Ð 2014: Reviewer of proposals
submitted to NSA Math. Sciences Grant Program;
- 2010
Ð 2014: Member of Board for Žiga Zois
Scientific Award of RS;
- 2009:
Reviewer of a proposal submitted to United States Ð Israel Binational
Science Fundation;
- 2008
Ð 2013: Member of Expert Council for General Education, RS;
- 2007
Ð present: one of the two Founding Editors and Editors-in-Chief of
the International mathematical SCI journal Ars
Mathematica Contemporanea;
- 2005
Ð present: Member of Expert Council for University Education,
Republic of Slovenia (RS);
- 2005
Ð present: Editorial Board of the SCI journal Discrete
- 2005
Ð present: Chairman of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer
Science Committee of Expert Council for University Education, RS;
- 2005
Ð 2009: Member of Accreditation Senate of Expert Council for
University Education, RS;
- 2004
Ð present: External examiner of PhD Theses at the Univ. the
Basque Country, The Univ. of Western Australia and UniversitŽ
de MontrŽal;
- 1981
Ð present: refereeing for 20 SCI mathematical journals.