doc. dr. Andreja Kutnar

andreja.kutnar [at]
ARRS šifra /
Slovenian Research Code: 31274
Google učenjak / Google Scholar Profile

Na kratko: Dr Andreja Kutnar je objavila 41 znanstvenih člankov, 35 izvirnih znanstvenih člankov in 6 preglednih. Njena dela imajo 98 čistih citatov. V letu 2014 je v soavtorstvu pri založbi Springer International Publishing AG v  Series Green Energy and Technology objavila knjigo “Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture for Sustainability”. Objavila je tudi 27 člankov v konferenčnih zbornikih, 34 izvlečkov na mednarodnih konferencah in 8 neobjavljenih konferenčnih prispevkov. Je sourednik 2 zbornikov mednaorodnih konferenc. Objavila je 6 znanstvenih poglavij vznanstvenih monografijah ter objavila 10 strokovnih člankov. Njeni soavtorji prihajajo iz ZDA, Finske, Avstrije, francije, Švice, Nemčije, Velike Britanije in Kanade, kar dokazuje njeno mednarodno vpetost. Andreja Kutnar je bila pleanarni predavatelj na dveh mednarodnih konferencah, vključno s priznano konferenco Wood Adhesives Conference v letu 2013. Izvedla je 15 vabljenih predavanj na tujih univerzah (ZDA, Finska, Nemčija, Kanada in Češka). Nedavno je koordinirala konzorcij pri uspešni prijavi projekta Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence (InnoRenew CoE) na razpis H2020 Teaming. Uspešno je koordinirala tudi prijavo nove COST Akcije FP1407 “Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific and environmental impact approach (ModWoodLife).

In short: Dr Andreja Kutnar has co-authored 41 scientific papers, including 35 original scientific papers and 6 scientific review papers. Her papers have been cited 98 times, excludingself-citations. In 2014 she co-authored a book “Contemporary Slovenian Timber Architecture for Sustainability” published by Springer International PublishingAG in a Series Green Energy and Technology. She has also contributed 27 papers to conference proceedings, 34 abstracts at international conferences and anadditional 8 unpublished conference contributions. She co-edited the proceedings of 2 international conferences. She has also co-authored 6 scientific chapters in monographs and published 10professional articles. Her co-authors are from the USA, Finland, Austria, France, Switzerland, Germany, United Kingdom, and Canada, demonstrating herinternational involvement. Andreja Kutnar has been a keynote speaker at two international conferences including the well-recognized Wood Adhesives Conference in 2013. She has given 15 invited lectures at foreign universities (USA, Finland, Germany, Canada and Czech Republic). Just recentlyshe coordinated a consortium that was successful in the H2020 Teaming call with the project Renewable materials and healthy environments research and innovation centre of excellence(InnoRenew CoE). Furthermore, she was successful in coordinating an international research group and proposed a new COST Action FP1407 “Understanding wood modification through an integrated scientific andenvironmental impact approach (ModWoodLife).

Curriculum Vitae